Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Effects Of Postpartum Depression On Women - 871 Words

People lose interest in things they used to enjoy and may withdraw from others.† While the CMHA does not explicitly note in its definition that both men and women may experience this mental illness, its use of the words â€Å"some† and â€Å"people,† instead of women, can be seen as suggesting that both sexes are susceptible. The assertion that both men and women can experience postpartum depression is corroborated by a study done by Escribà  -Agà ¼ir and Artazcoz (2011). Despite the position of these two sources, Thurtle (1995) explicitly notes that diagnosis of postpartum depression should be â€Å"restricted to mothers with a depressive illness,† asserting that this pathology exclusively affects women. Being that Thurtle’s study was published in 1995, within a decade of researchers beginning to study sex differences, and similarities, and only a year after women were allowed to participate in biomedical research, it is likely that they did not c onsider investigating the illness through a gendered lens. Failing to recognize that both men and women are affected by postpartum depression, Thurtle (1995, p.418) asserts that the pathology is due to learned helplessness, a condition much more prevelant in women than men (Ris and Woods, 1983, p.1067). While this is far from an indictment of Thurtle’s assertion, one has to wonder how much Thurtle’s assertion was based on her belief that postpartum depression was exclusive to women. While instances of postpartum depression are less prevalent in menShow MoreRelatedPostpartum Depression And Its Effects On Women Essay1227 Words   |  5 PagesAccording to the CDC, current research shows that postpartum depression (PPD) is a complication that effects 1-8 women after they give birth. It is when the mother experiences depression after giving birth that is the result of hormone changes, adjustments to motherhood and fatigue. It is one of the most common diseases after the mother gives birth and is often underdiagnosed and overlooked. PPD can cause complication that not only affect the mother but also the baby by breaking the mother-infantRead MorePostpartum Depression And Its Effects On Women1163 Words   |  5 PagesPostpartum Depression According to two recent studies, 7-13% of all postpartum women suffer from depression. 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